Education Blog

Teachers: Explore creative ways to integrate economics into your classroom.



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March 3, 2022

Teaching inflation during the COVID-19 pandemic

By: Heather Montgomery

COVID-19 has had an unprecedented effect on the economy: closing businesses, driving down demand and interrupting supplies. With news stories and popular culture addressing inflation and supply chain issues, now is the perfect time to explain this key economic concept to your high school students.
December 2, 2021

The true value of money

By: Graham Iddon

Photo collage, old bank notes and coins, gold nuggets and a computer component.
What is money—when you really stop to think about it? To understand how money works, and what it ultimately represents, we need to strip it down to its very basic function.
September 2, 2021

Virtual Worlds. Real Economies.

By: Adam Young

A cartoon astronaut waves in front of a logo of the game.
The economies in modern, complex video games can teach gamers a lot about decision making and financial literacy.
August 19, 2021

Fur Trade Economics

By: David Bergeron, Graham Iddon, Krista Broeckx

Photo collage, yellowed document with writing, tokens, carved stick, silver beaver trinket.
Over its 350-year lifespan, the Hudson’s Bay Company has had an enormous impact on Canada’s economy and how the nation was settled.
June 3, 2021

Value is in the Eye of the Consumer

By: Graham Iddon

Collage, money, graphs and people playing with hula hoops.
Supply and demand is part of the very bedrock of an economy. It's what generates the price of any product or service.
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