External resources

Teachers: Find resources and tools for learning about Canada’s central bank and the economic landscape.


Grade levels


Bank of Canada: Educational resources

The Bank of Canada also has some educational resources we think you may find helpful.

Bank of Canada: Explainers

Consult these brief articles explaining various topics related to the Bank of Canada's core functions.

Bank of Canada: The Economy, Plain and Simple

It’s right there in the title—The Economy, Plain and Simple: Plain language. Complex concepts made as simple as possible—thanks to the efforts of our economists and a supporting cast of communications professionals. The results are short, quick reads, with engaging visuals, all on a mobile-friendly platform—so you can read them on the go.

Money and Monetary Policy in Canada

Money and Monetary Policy in Canada is a web resource to help educate Canadians on the mechanics of their economy and the Bank of Canada’s role in it. It’s written in fun, clear language and supplemented with helpful illustrations, meeting the needs of multiple levels of high school curricula.