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23 Results

May 4, 2021

A Canadian Central Bank: The History of the Bank of Canada

Learn about why the Bank of Canada was created and how it continues to promote the economic and financial welfare of Canadians.
November 25, 2020

BankNOTEable Reflections

How is the public involved with who goes on a bank note? How are the images chosen? Join Suzette Argo and Boyd Laanstra, specialists from the Bank of Canada’s Currency Department visual content team, as they chat about creating new bank notes for Canada. Peek behind the scenes and discover how Canadians have been engaged in creating bank notes we can all use with confidence and pride.
Content type(s): Multimedia
August 26, 2020

Durable, Accessible Bank Notes

Martine Warren, a bank note specialist from the Bank of Canada, talks about the technology and testing that goes into making our bank notes durable and secure. As well, Diane Bergeron from the Canadian Institute for the Blind shares her experience with features that make Canadian notes accessible to those who are blind or partially sighted.
Content type(s): Multimedia
August 26, 2020

The Future of Money

Dinesh Shah, a Bank of Canada researcher, and Stéphanie Nolin, an online entrepreneur, talk about current trends in e-commerce. Our payment options are growing daily, but does this mean the death of cash?
Content type(s): Multimedia
August 26, 2020

Canada’s Economy is Global

Louis Morel, the Bank of Canada’s Director of Advanced Economies, and Pierre Pyun, employee of a multinational Canadian firm, discuss the global nature of our economy. They highlight the modular methods of today’s manufacturing and introduce us to the international makeup of the products we use every day—and the jobs that depend on them.
Content type(s): Multimedia
August 26, 2020

We all play a role in the economy

The Canadian economy is deeply interconnected, and your part in it is explored in this animated video. From apples to houses, your economic decisions help shape the economy, which in turn helps shape all of us. And the Bank of Canada’s role is to keep an eye on it all while giving you the confidence that your money will hold its value.
August 17, 2020

Funds Management: Selling Bonds

Just like you, the government sometimes needs a little financial help with large projects. Learn how the Bank of Canada handles funding for the government by selling bonds: short-term loans made by businesses and individuals to the government.
August 17, 2020

Funds Management: Foreign Currency Holdings

The Bank of Canada holds billions of dollars in foreign currencies on behalf of the government. The Bank buys and sells these currencies to decrease or increase holdings of Canadian dollars. Learn how these transactions help to soften sharp movements in the exchange rate of our dollar.
August 17, 2020

Funds Management: The Government’s Bank Account

Where does the government keep its money? At the Bank of Canada. The Bank also ensures that the government has enough money to meet its daily needs and is able to provide the services you rely on. Learn about the Bank’s role as the government’s banker.
January 13, 2015

In the spirit of the engraver 2 - Yves Baril

Video clip of Yves Baril speaking on how he prepares his tools and his approach on engraving.
Content type(s): Multimedia
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