We’re all part of something larger. She is, they are – and you are too. We all play a role in the Economy. Every time you buy or sell something, be it as small as an apple or as big as a house – it counts. It counts because all of our economic actions taken together make up larger trends and movements that is the Economy. Think of the numerous drops of rain that all together make up a stream, river, lake or ocean. You and your actions are the raindrops that become the waves and currents of the ocean. It’s the relationship that we have with the economy. We shape it, and we are shaped by it. Here’s where the Bank of Canada comes in. By surveying the horizon and measuring currents, the Bank helps us understand how the economy is performing — making sure everything is smooth sailing. “Bring her into port crew!” This means as few bad surprises as possible, and being ready when they occur. The Bank cools down the economy when it’s overheating and warms it up when it’s struggling to grow. It develops reliable and secure banknotes. It monitors the financial system, and works as the banker for the Government of Canada. The Bank of Canada helps maintain confidence in money, because money isn’t just bills and coins... ... it’s something that helps you turn your goals and aspirations into reality. "...here are your new house keys" "...my retirement savings plan is stable and secure" "...congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Jones, it’s a girl" "...it’s the vacation we’ve always dreamed of" "...I’m thinking of doing a PH.D." "...I can finally open my coffee shop" "...I’m ready to buy my first car" "...Let’s get married!" The bank supports you by giving you the confidence that your money will hold its value over time. Our actions connect us to each other as well as to other economies around the world. This is the interconnected world we live in. This is the interconnected world YOU live in. But remember that the choices each of us make every day affect the performance of the economy. The economy is based on it. In the end, you are what counts the most.